-It's a real (?) blog
-It pretty much looks better
-Everyone can (and should) comment
-I feel profeshyonul
I'm going to try to make it my new home. Since I'm not in Japan anymore, entries aren't going to come quite so easily but I'd like to keep it interesting. I'm near Washington DC now, so I'm sure I'll be able to make some reports on that before Harding claims me again, and when I'm there...well, we'll see.
For now I've got a few things here and there to talk about. First, direct your faithful attention to the right side and under the profile stuff you'll see some thingies which you can click and which will take you elsewheres. Let me just tell you what those are.
Under "influences" are some blogs and funny stuff which invigorate my imagination and take up time when I'm supposed to be doing other things. What they're about:
-Shortpacked: The world of Webcomics is a dark and angsty place, but sometimes you come across gems like this. This one is about a toy collector who works in a toy store, and four or five other people who work with him. It's not for everyone, but I think it's fair to say I'm addicted to it.
-X-Entertainment: Not what it sounds like. Actually it's a site which seems to be a blog, but also seems to have existed since before anyone knew what a blog was. This one guy writes about just about anything and makes it interesting, but most of it has to do with 80s-type nostalgia.
-The Comics Curmudgeon: A blog wherein a man named Josh critiques (hysterically) many of the oddball comics found in the newspaper. And you were wondering who actually reads "Mary Worth."
-Homestarrunner: The best internet cartoon that ever was and probably ever will be. People either love it or hate it. Obviously, I love it.
And below that, under "Favorite Haunts," you will find:
-For Video Games: I play a lot of Video Games which were taught in the Old School, and Digitpress is a website where these oldschoolers go to chat, vent, and do business. It's a lot less annoying than Gamefaqs, and a lot more personable than most other game sites.
-For Transformers: I collect them, so I go here for news. They seem to be pretty fast when it comes to reporting. Did you know there's a live-action movie coming out?
-For Movies: The IMDB. Useful for any kind of cold, hard data you need on any movie or actor or director or key grip from any movie from any country anytime. Somebody works really hard on this site.
-For Everything Else: Wikipedia is the greatest thing to ever happen to the internet.
-My Old Blog: The Xanga which many of you have hopefully been linked from. Gone, but not forgotten.
Finally, I dutifully took a couple pictures of my new home area. Care to see?

Here's my new neighborhood. The houses here were built just after World War II for returning soldiers, and originally were all exactly alike, but now most of them have been at least somewhat modified, some are nearly 100% different.

Since we live near Washington, it's obligatory that streets are named after presidents or important people in US history.
Finally, here is our new house, at 2930 Stuart drive. I think it's probably my favorite of the five houses I've lived in over my life, being not the biggest nor most beautiful, but definitely the most practical. I'd give it a blow-by-blow comparison with my other houses, but that doesn't sound like too much fun.
I don't think you can expect to see a new entry every day, but I'm currently scouring my brain for things about which to write, and some of those things may include video games, movies, or toys. I fear that may alienate some of the ten-summat people that read my previous journal, but I'll try to make it interesting for them too.
Also, I'm still recovering from Jet Lag and Laziness following my trip, so you're getting off without a comic this time. They'll be back, though! Yes!! Comments!!
look, it's my street.
It's a lot nicer than your street in Little Rock, too, let me tell you...
I do have to say I like the new sites look. It's a lot cleaner so I can read it at work and still look like I'm on professional business. You aren't going to stop the figure comics though are you?
Definitely not. They'll be back probably next entry.
Nice beginning. Keep it up.
And homestarrunner's good stuff.
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