Let's see...not yesterday, but the day before, I watched Robocop. Robocop is one of those movies that is rated R, is ultra-super-duper-violent with extra fake blood syrup, but somehow they decided to market it to children. Robocop had a toyline, and possibly a cartoon. Kinda reminds me of the whole Starship Troopers thing, ironically by the same director (Paul Verhoeven). I remember seeing a lot of Robocop toys sitting around with nobody buying them, probably because kids didn't know who Robocop was outside of his reputation. Anyway why pick a slow-moving shiny robot cop dude only armed with a pistol when you could pick Leonardo who can cut foot soldiers in half and give you another good reason to like pizza all at the same time? For that matter, they also made toys for Terminator, but I bet you they didn't make toys of John Connor's dead parents or a T-1000 with a finger-blade that really stabs out your eye.
I also learned for the first time that the phrase "I'd buy that for a dollar!" actually has its origins with Robocop, specifically from the fake TV show which plays constantly throughout the movie.
Well. The point of me saying all that about Robocop was I had cops on my mind that day. I've only had a run-in with the police once in my entire life, and it was pretty ridiculously stupid, but that's a story most people reading this have heard already. So here's my NEW story about running in with the Law. Sometime before she goes to bed every night, my mom likes to take a little stroll around the neighborhood. This particular night my dad was asleep so I and my brother were asked to accompany her. The time was probably somewhere around midnight, possibly 1 or 1:30. I don't know, my watch was off.
We saw a cop with lights and siren blaring drive past our corner, but my mom won't let anything stop her from walking so we just went on out. Not too long into the walk we noticed a helicopter circling overhead. I wagered that it was a police helicopter, and we were just waltzing right into a manhunt into our own neighborhood.
Yeah, that's what it was. Not too long after seeing at least 7 cop cars piled in one street, with men and dogs flashlighting all over someone's yard, a cop at a corner stopped us and had us wait there until he said so, because "the dogs might bite us." What that really meant, of course, was they had ED-209 on duty and it's still in experimental stage, so you know it might just give us 40 SECONDS TO COMPLY and then gun us down mercilessly.
Sooner or later the cop let us off, and shortly we were stopped by another cop, this time a stout woman, who warned us again about the dogs (experimental robot). Before she was done talking with us she got a call from the searchlight guy in the copter and took off in her car. Before speeding away she leaned out to tell us that they got the guy.
We saw a group of cops towing away a black pickup truck before we finished the walk, but that was the extent of our run-in with a manhunt. I did some quick research to try to figure out what was going on, but since I found nothing we'll just have to assume there was a dangerous DVD pirate/music downloader on the loose and the use of Robot Cops was necessary to take him down.
Also the cop who stopped us was really Robocop.
Ironically, today's comic also has to do with the Law.

I think the part about the five police cars was a bit exaggerated. You were right, though, there definitely were those huge robot cops gamboling about our neighborhood... oh, and what about that part where the poilce guy said 'where's the bad-guy at'? that was my favorite part, probably.
Ahh Luke, I have a blog here as well...let's see how many "blog" websites we can join before the government finds us out..
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