^ That guy
That guy spoke in Magnolia, Arkansas last night. My roommate told me a few weeks ago and I was like "YEAH I'LL HIT THAT" and he was like "KTHNX." So last night, Halloween night, we drove for 3 hours and 20 minutes to the small town of Magnolia, Arkansas, to hear Michael J. Nelson, the second host of Mystery Science Theater 3000, speak to a group of college students about his books and movie commentaries.

Yeah, I was there. I have to say, Mike Nelson, though he looks a bit different in person now than he did when he was making fun of bad movies in space, is a totally hilarious guy. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time, and it wasn't just because I was giddy for being there.
It's probably pretty ridiculous for me to outline all the stuff he said or whatever, so I'll just touch on some of the highlights:
-He was there.
-He read some of his movie reviews from his book (sounds like shameless plugging, but actually it was totally hysterical shameless plugging)
-He had a couple of palooks from the audience play a trivia game to win some random stuff he had with him (such as DVDs he's done commentary for, and some books he was reading; see a picture here.)
-He showed some of his own commentary on (the original) House on Haunted Hill, which is basically just like MST3k only without Robot Friends.
-He gave lots of bad rap to all kinds of movies (he pretty much hates movies for a living)
-He opened up the floor to questions;
-Someone asked what his favorite MST3k script was, to which he revealed that he had not really ever gone back to view them (they hurt too much), but to his knowledge it was Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders, which was one of the later ones and also one of the more ridiculous and inexplicable ones
-Someone asked "how are Bridget and the kids adjusting to the move out west?", to which he gave a supremely incredulous look and said "Wha...what...Dad?" Of course the guy wasn't his dad, just some random guy who for some reason knows what Mike Nelson's family is up to. Mike started to fake calling for security (it was hilarious).
-Afterwards, he went to the college bookstore to give out autographs and photos!!

Yes! It's my second photo with a famous person this year! I didn't talk about the first one on here, though. Oh, and Alex got a picture too:

He usually doesn't have that ridiculous moustache. He had to grow his beard out indefinitely for Fiddler on the Roof, and after it grew to monstrous sizes, he shaved the entire thing off and left just the monstrous moustache. Most of us think it's pretty hilarious.
And, in celebration of Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), I have made a new comic!!

UNfortunately, I still have to use the inferior Imageshack to host my comics, since Flickr won't upload the image at the size it needs to be. D'oh.
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