I'll start by saying that my family always stays up way past the normal bedtime for U.S. families. We're usually still up at 1 or 2, and last night I was up until at least 4. Sometimes this lets us see things which normally we wouldn't be able to see. The large bin where we keep our dog Stefie's food is right outside the door on the deck, and our dining room table is stationed where we can all see out the window facing the deck. Our friend Methuselah doesn't know that.

See him there? He comes just about every night and gorges himself on delicious Iams mix. Personally, I don't know what he like so much about processed dog food, but he's determined enough that so far he's breezed through my dad's various security measures against him. In fact, it seems we've engaged in a kind of friendly rivalry.
The first trap was our dory's anchor on top of the bin. It's not terribly heavy, and wasn't heavy enough that Methuselah couldn't muscle it right off. A loud thump later, and he was feasting. The next attempt involved tying the anchor to the banister of the deck, so even if he moved it around it would still hang there and block his entry. Methuselah countered that by pushing it just enough out of the way to open the lid and squeeze himself inside of the bin (poking his nose out every so often for a breath). The latest maneuver involved putting the bin inside our dory (which is a kind of boat). No news yet if Methuselah has found it up there.
The best thing about all this is watching him. It's rare that you get to watch a wild animal doing its thing, unless you're Steve Erwin or that guy from Grizzly Man, and Methuselah won't let anything stand between him and his dog food, not even a human peering out at him from 3 feet away behind a window. Which is what I did.
Next entry: some more stuff from Rome! Or maybe the crematory gardens, whichever I feel like.
Bonus picture: Ford Escort with a Spoiler!

You know, just in case it goes so fast that it needs extra help to keep it from flying! Sigh...

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